Saturday, December 6, 2008

F.I.T.-Group Project Reflection

This course activity seemed to flow quite easily based on the required text reading and practicum in our IT 6135 FIT assignments. Our group consisted of Michele R., Velda, and myself. The team project consisted of breaking the required components of the presentation and following paper into manageable parts based on our individual observations and experiences within our assigned facilitation training. After a few brief face-to-face brainstorming and discussion sessions, we were off and running. Since we all enjoyed different aspects of the FIT component, and brought different strengths to the group, we divided the work accordingly. 

For my part, I began to reflect on the IT 6135 course activities from the beginning, as to what seemed to make sense and those aspects which confused me. As the weeks progressed, I found myself thinking about which activities would work for this course, and those that would not. The readings seemed to point to some that had potential. With this in mind, I approached my two colleagues with suggestions for new activities that I found would accentuate the IT 6135 experience and improve my own understanding of the readings and content in our course (IT 7130). Next, I carefully selected strategies and E-learning activities from Bonk & Zhang, that reflected different stages in Salmon's Five-Stage model. 

Our team did not seem to struggle with the content or requirements of the project, other than the usual time constraints endemic to working adults with families! Among the noted aspects of the project that were somewhat challenging was what secondary resources to include in the written portion of the assignment, if any. Perhaps, a more descriptive requirement in the course syllabus might have assisted us in this endeavor, or we were just overthinking the content. Another noted feature of this project was the ability to hand in the written report a week after the presentation, which was greatly appreciated. 

Overall, I found this project to be quite useful and one aspect that I think would also help in future IT 7130 courses, would be to have some time to "tinker" within the Blackboard LMS course design features. This would allow us to see some of the constraints, tools, and workable features that would bring to light many of the E-learning activities within the context of IT 7130 course components. Basically, this could be included as part of this assignment since we are already assembled in groups. Additionally, we could present the team project in Bb to highlight our suggested improvements or new activities.


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Course Materials Reflection

After filling out many course critiques over the long and winding road that was and is my academic experience, I must admit that my faith in such evaluation devices is suspect. I know institutions of Higher Learning read them, but beyond that, I have never believed that much change comes from them. More specifically, the system of evaluation does not allow for acute shifts in paradigm when it comes to curriculum changes or course improvement. To that end, I have made a point to provide commentary and personal feedback for several of my Grad courses at Wayne, and each time, whether the info was good or bad, the professor at least acknowledged the feedback. During the semester, Dr. Zhang has allowed for timely feedback about the readings or the course content and even took a shot at her own book! Very courageous indeed!

Well, here goes...

On the topic of assigned texts and related articles, I found both books to be complimentary to each other. The Empowering Online Learning picks up where Salmon's 5-Stage Model leaves off. The cases presented in E-moderating can be brought to life using many of the activities suggested by Zhang & Bonk. As an instructor, I especially like the suggested alternatives and lesson extensions and timeframe estimates. 

Conceptually, as a teaching and learning framework, R2D2 allows the instructor to select the appropriate point to infuse their lessons or units using many of the suggested activities. For me, R2D2 allows me to understand where it is appropriate to put planned activities and thus, to maximize the learning. I think of the diagram as a "Learning Compass". While R2D2 lacks the model hypothesis and test rigor of other teaching learning models, it more than makes up for it by offering very practical and authentic assessment options. As a Business teacher, I rely on portfolio types of assessment, which calls for multiple forms of assessment, with more and more reliance on technology. With a few modifications, many of the suggested activities can be used in more blended classrooms or even traditional face-to-face settings.

I don't have a great deal to say about the articles except to state that I have saved most of them to my electronic library. I did like the option of only having to read one of the suggested titles for each week. I was able to find at least one each week that caught my interest level, or at least made sense for my own learning preferences. 

Finally, on the course structure... 

I really enjoyed the seminar type structure of the class. It is in this environment that I really learn best, regardless of whether the session was face-to-face or Online. For graduate classes, expression of shared ideas, meaningful dialogue with following activities, and proper modeling of technology and techniques are very important and reflect a more diverse learning environment. These Androgogical approaches to curriculum development were certainly appreciated. Thank-you fellow FITs and to our "E-moderator" Dr. Zhang, I have really enjoyed this group.


Monday, December 1, 2008

FIT Experience Reflection

After two sessions of FIT experience in IT 6135, I am certainly more confident in my abilities as an e-moderator after only a few short months. The readings in Salmon's E-moderating and the corresponding e-learning activities in Bonk and Zhang have increased my knowledge of how to engage adult students in a blended learning environment. 

For the most part, I enjoyed "lurking" at the beginning of each week to identify the hot button issues of the participants. I found myself getting annoyed at the genera lack of effort towards grammar, as well as the "two-liners" that merely mimicked what the presenters iterated in their own commentary. I'm sure this will come up in next week's FIT Project diagnoses and remedies, so I won't dwell on them. There are indeed many fixes to this problem!

One of the things I would like to reflect on is the noticeable changes in my own behavior as it relates to my duties as a FIT. That is, I was certainly more reserved in my commentary, more objective in my opinions of some of the posts, and certainly more reflective of the process of learning in the Online environment. Perhaps this is the point! My limited participation within the actual threads, was reserved for re-direction questions, encouraging comments on insightful posts, and a generous amount of resource materials for both host and observers alike. The latter part made me feel exceptionally useful in an otherwise neutral role as their FIT. In addition, I was especially grateful for having some knowledge of the subject areas-Podcasts and Virtual Schooling (K-12). I found myself digging up articles previously researched and read for reference. On the latter topic, I was fortunate enough to have participated in Dr. Barbour's IT 6230-Internet in the Classroom last Winter, which served me well for proper monitoring of the content presented and discussed.

Among the more intriguing activities that I found useful to analyze and synthesize the materials presented, were the concepts of summarizing and "weaving" of posted threads by the students. Having the students or hosts of each of the emerging technologies forums summarize the postings for the purpose of finding common themes of respondents is a good way to capture Salmon's Stage 3 & 4 activities. Simply put, it allows the students to reflect on their own understanding of the topics presented, while also allowing for meaningful dialogue. Similarly, one of the New activities for our group FIT Project deals with this in greater detail, but with a twist. So, standby for more details. 

Overall, I truly enjoyed being a FIT for Prof. Boileau's class and would welcome the chance to either teach or work in this environment again. It is not often one gets the chance to teach in such a safe learning environment. Twenty-five students to manage in the virtual realm represents a great deal of monitoring, planning, and "Classroom" management for any level of teaching and learning success.  IT 7130 was an excellent choice for my plan of work and will serve me well as I move on in my career. 


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Trends in Online Training vs. K-12 Professional Development

Hello 7130 peers,

I found this short article on trends in online training versus K-12 Education P.D. to be quite interesting and somewhat controversial. The publication is from EducationNext, a Stanford based thinktank, which is part of the Hoover Institute. For those of you interested in Training & Development issues, perhaps some of their research could be of some benefit to you. Just click on the link (EducationNext) above for the article.


Monday, November 3, 2008

F.I.T. Audio Reflection

Hello Fellow F.I.Ts,

Yeah! I finally have somewhere to host my audio and future video reflections for my F.I.T. Blogging. It took nearly three weeks and many failed trials and tribulations but I was finally able to upload some audio to my site. Many thanks to the generous hosting services of BlipTV. There you can find my new channel called Suasion. It is a free sign-up service that will allow you to upload various forms of audio or video on your own channel. Prior to that, I downloaded a free audio/podcasting software from Please scroll down to hear my latest "Episode". Alternatively, you can subscribe to the channel using their RSS feature. In addition, if you could be so kind to click an answer on my Poll feature to the right of your screen.

Happy blogging,


Monday, September 29, 2008

R2D2 and Online Learning Activities

Hello fellow F.I.T.s,

I have little to report on the IT6135 FIT assignment other than to say I will post a brief self-introduction early this week. I am scheduled for Groups 4 & 9.

I will be alternating varying modes of communicating my reflections for the various weekly reports. This week I will begin using the standard text-based blogging format and will switch to audio or video for the other weeks. My plan was to use, however it no longer seems to be available and I am not currently running any podcasting recording applications on my Mac, so please bear with me until I can get that straightened out. It looks like I'll be finally purchasing an iPod.

Reading Reflection Week 4:

On R2D2...

Bonk and Zhang (2008), provide a very easy to use model for sampling and integrating instructional technology activities in the K-12 curriculum. I think the ability to access the model from any of the four phases of the model (Reading, Reflecting, Displaying and Doing) present a unique utility that many instructional models cannot duplicate. My only complaint with the book thus far, is that the resources presented were not available during my student teaching last Fall! I could have used some clear, easy-to-follow guidelines for integrating some of the suggested activities into my many lesson plans.

To date, I have successfully tried or participated in the following Reading-based activities (the first R in R2D2): Online Scavenger hunts, guided web tours, WebQuests, Online synchronous tests (drat!), Webinars, Online lectures, Wiki's, Podcasts, Video-based explanations/tutorials, etc,. In addition, I have been exposed to many of the Reflecting-type learning activities in the second phase of the model. Like many of you who have completed several online university classes at WSU or other institutions, I have enjoyed some of the reflective activities such as; Chat, Self-Check quizzes, Online discussion forums on Bb, Personal Blogging, Collaborative Wiki's, Synchronous and Asynchronous discussions, Group Reflective Writing, among others.

Some of the activities mentioned above are very useful for achieving a sense of learning accomplishment, or just being a member of a successful learning community. It will be interesting to see how many I can foresee being utilized during my observation and participation as a F.I.T for IT6135. Given the rate of growth of Online learning in K-12 and Post-secondary institutions, it only made sense to register for this course (IT7130) to gain exposure and make mistakes in a safe learning environment before being faced with my own course in the very near future. My goal is to take as many of the resources presented by Bonk and Zhang and through a series of trial and error, begin to sort through which are best applied in a given instructional setting. I am very grateful for the opportunity to participate as a F.I.T., regardless of how far it takes me out of my comfort zone as an instructor-in-training. 

On Salmon's 5-Stage Model...

Since I am just getting into the reading of this text (e-moderating), Salmon (2007), I would venture to say that as a community of learners in this class (IT7130), we are somewhere between Stage 1-Access and Motivation and Stage 2-Online Socialization (see p. 29). Dr. Zhang has presented the concepts and ideas in these first two stages and we are just getting comfortable with the many ideas using interactivity to enhance learning. It should be noted though, that, we all bring a high level of personal motivation to the group as the model suggests. Very soon we will all be exposed to the Information Exchange Stage (3) within our respective F.I.T. assignments.

I guess that's it for now,
