Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Trends in Online Training vs. K-12 Professional Development

Hello 7130 peers,

I found this short article on trends in online training versus K-12 Education P.D. to be quite interesting and somewhat controversial. The publication is from EducationNext, a Stanford based thinktank, which is part of the Hoover Institute. For those of you interested in Training & Development issues, perhaps some of their research could be of some benefit to you. Just click on the link (EducationNext) above for the article.


Monday, November 3, 2008

F.I.T. Audio Reflection

Hello Fellow F.I.Ts,

Yeah! I finally have somewhere to host my audio and future video reflections for my F.I.T. Blogging. It took nearly three weeks and many failed trials and tribulations but I was finally able to upload some audio to my site. Many thanks to the generous hosting services of BlipTV. There you can find my new channel called Suasion. It is a free sign-up service that will allow you to upload various forms of audio or video on your own channel. Prior to that, I downloaded a free audio/podcasting software from Please scroll down to hear my latest "Episode". Alternatively, you can subscribe to the channel using their RSS feature. In addition, if you could be so kind to click an answer on my Poll feature to the right of your screen.

Happy blogging,
